WRITTEN: 6/5/17
Hey everyone!
This week has felt really really long but then at the same time it just went by super fast!
Tuesday we had district meeting and I gave a training on faith and how there is a connection with power/confidence and faith. I used this awesome quote from Bruce R. McConkie and it just encompassed all that I wanted to get across to my district.
"But Faith in its true signification is more than the moving cause pursuant to which men and angels act. It is also a principle of power. Faith is Power. And where this is power there is faith: and where there is no power, there is no faith. Joseph Smith continues: “ Faith is not only the principle of action , but of power also, in all intelligent beings, whether in heaven or on earth.” Faith applies in all spheres. All intelligent beings---be they gods, angels, spirits or men—all operate by its power. Bruce R. McConkie."
Such an awesome quote!
After we went on exchanges with the zone leaders and I went with elder McBride and we just knocked forever haha. It was the weirdest weather outside. Super super foggy!
Thursday was our walking was and we were kinda bouncing all over the place. We did our studies and then some weekly planning and we had an appointment with a less active that we see every week. He's got a really wack story but we're trying to get him back little by little.
Friday we helped build houses and we did lots of finding! We had a meeting with our new ward mission leader. Then we were knocking, on the streets or at the park for the rest of the night
Saturday we were in hackettstown for most of the day. A few appointments with members and then we did some street contacting. Hackettstown, NJ is where Mars chocolate has a factory so there is m&m stuff everywhere haha! One of our members works there and he gives us a bag of chocolate every Sunday, so now our fridge is full of chocolate😂. Later we had an appointment with Omar and it felt like we took 10 steps back... we had a member come with us and Zulema (Omar's wife) was there. He is just really struggling with a testimony and support. His wife is impending his progression so now our plan is to work with her and get her strong and ready to support her husband and family.
Sunday was really really nice. Omar didn't come to church:( so that means that the baptism won't be happening for a few more weeks. After church we had a little meeting after with our family history worker in the ward. We want to make a plan to get the members involved in family history. Family history with the hispanic culture is really hard because they all know their relatives by nicknames and it's also hard because they move away from their parents when they are super young like teens. The most credible source that the church has concerning family history for the Hispanic culture is baptismal records from the Catholic Church, cool right?!
Well I know there wasn't a whole lot to my week and I didn't get a ton of pictures so I'll do better at that this week!
Today we'll be in Morristown for an all mission conference! Playing games and a park with the whole mission and then going to he chapel and doing some spiritual stuff. It should be really fun! We get a new mission Pres in less than 3 weeks! So the whole mission is preparing for that.
Have an awesome week!
Elder Marz
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