Monday, December 26, 2016

EMAIL: WEEK 22 - "Merry Christmas"

WRITTEN 12/26/2016

(Written from mom)
We got a call on December 25th at 7am... Caller ID said Morristown New Jersey....  I answered
MOM: "Hello?"
ELDER: " HI, This is Elder Marz......  (mom screams....)
MOM: screaming, hollering, giddy with delight... "It's Evan... it's Evan!!!!!!! woohoooooooo"
ELDER:  "calling to confirm our appointment at 10:30 today?"
MOM: giggling and hardly able to contain my excitement.... "OF COURSE! ..."

The conversation went on for a min of two arranging the logistics or our FaceTime call later that day. Such an amazing highlight of our day.

I (mom) had prayed mightily that our call would be happy and full of joy. I had heard from so many how hard and sad the 1st call home is for the missionary and the family. I did not want there to be any sadness. I was afraid of that. I did not want that at all. I did not want him to cry, or us to cry. The Lord answered my/our prayers. It was wonderful, amazing, happy and not sad... and was not sad for him.
This is what Elder Marz said to me today in his email to me.

" It was sooooo much fun! I did not have a hard time about it at all! It was so much fun! It was so nice to hear and see everyone!.....Talking to everyone was such a pick-me-up or like a recharge. I can't really describe the feelings I felt but I just felt so good, so warm."

Our call from Elder Marz perspective. Our immediate family and Tyler Weller and Mishawn Peacock per Evans request. 
The "CALL" from our perspective at home. SO happy. 

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