Wednesday, August 23, 2017

EMAIL: Week 35 - Missionary Fishing and Service

 WRITTEN : 3/27/17

Hey y'all!, This week was busy busy busy!

Let's start of with Monday. I want you all to know that I went
fishing! Yes you heard that right, I went FISHING! Haha it was a
blast! We didn't catch anything but it was really nice and actually be
by a river! Now that I'm in the area with best fishing in all of New
Jersey I plan on going quit a bit;)

Tuesday morning we had Spanish class (I taught) and then we had
district meeting and then we had exchanges with our district leader
(Elder Stinger, English speaking). I went to a town called Clinton,
about a hour away. Lots and lots of farming and hills (or here they
call them mountains haha). Elder Stinger likes to fish so we are going
to see if we can go out and catch some fish one Monday.

Wednesday we switched back and then Elder Griffith and I went to do
some service and a restore facility. They sell like used furniture for
really nice prices so what we do is help people move stuff, take stuff
out of their cars if they're donating, help load stuff in their cars,
and put stuff together. It's pretty fun. Later that night we put on
our first English class! We only had two come but hopefully we'll get
more next week!

Thursday, walking day! And weekly planing. Had an appointment with
Hermano Abreu (the former bishop) and he's super awesome! His wife
died last year and all of his kids are less active and his son is in
jail. He's such a super member. Always serving others and helping the
missionaries with anything. I wish we had more super members.

Friday. We went and helped build some homes and then we had to leave
cause elder Griffith had a dentist appointment to get a cavity fixed.
It was kinda scary cause elder Griffith had a seizure right after
getting numbed up and the paramedics came and did an evaluation and
asked elder Griffith if he wanted to go the hospital cause it was
pretty bad, he didn't want to. I guess he has history with seizures.
Before his mission he would get one every month but he hasn't had one
since he came out. Kinda scary but he's all good and we are setting up
appointments with doctors to get it all figured out.

Saturday we helped a former investigator move. She had a friend of
hers come help and it turns out that the friend of hers was baptized
in the Mormon church about 7 years ago and he was a primary teacher!
And he has never came to the Dover ward! He told us to come over
whenever so this week we having an appointment and getting him
re-activated. Pretty awesome right? Miracles happen in the weirdest
ways sometimes!

Sunday was awesome as usual. We had ward council at 8oclock and church
at 10. The talks were about prayer and obedience. They were really
good talks. Prayer and obedience are two things that have strengthened
my testimony while I've been out! Then we went to lunch at a recent
converts house to eat and then after that we went to another members
house to eat and yeah lots and lots of really good food! Right now we
are trying to meet with members because the referrals that we get from
members are about 10x as reliable and prepared. Yes we get juked a lot
out here, it's kinda the culture. We well set up appointments
literally the day before and they just happen to be out of the house
when we get there. Anyways it's the job of a missionary haha.

It was relatively a pretty good week. The snow is finally melting so
That makes me happy. It was in the 60s on Friday. This week it's
supposed be nice with some rain but that ok.
This is the last week of transfers so we'll know on Sunday if we are
going anywhere.
I can't wait for conference!
Love you all,
Elder Marz

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