Wednesday, August 30, 2017

EMAIL: Week 41 - Rainy Days and District Meeting in Morristown

WRITTEN 5/6/17

What's good everybody!?

There's been a change  of circumstances so that's why I'm emailing today but  so far It's been a fun-filled week here in NJ!

Monday Elder Brooks and I went fishing! It's really nice to just be out and exploring:) Later that night we had an appointment with our awesome Omar. Still doing super awesome! Just soaking it all up, we taught him about the word of wisdom and how it's such a blessing to have. The amazing thing is that God is our father and he knows what's best for us, he knows what will hurt us and he knows what will keep us safe. All we have to do is choose to follow Gods will. Omar has chosen to do that and it sooo cool!

Tuesday we had district meeting in Morristown. We talked a lot about desire and what it actually means to have desire. We talked a little bit about the difference between wants and desires, and desires are just deeper more pure wants. Most "wants" are worldly but "desires"are more spiritual, they have more meaning. After at lunch Elder Muir (English Elder)  and I took a shot of balsamic vinegar and it was pretty interesting haha. Later that night we had our English class and we taught about opposites and it was kinda funny cause Elder Brooks and I were just used as an object lesson😂.

Wednesday we had service in the morning and then some studies and then we went and tried by a bunch of less actives. Had a lesson with a less active which I've only met once or twice but he says that he's planning on coming to church on Sunday with us so we are pretty excited about that! We had our English class and then another lesson with Omar, we went over the 10 commandments with him and focused on sabbath day. We want to help him make Sunday a priority because next Sunday (Mother's Day!) is his baptism! He's planning on coming to church this Sunday so we are crossing our fingers that he does🤞

Thursday we went out to lunch with a less active which was nice. Now that it's getting warmer she's going to try and make it to church more often. Lots of people her just don't put going to church high on their priority list. If it's nice and nothing is in the way for them to go to church then they go but that's rarely the case, Satan is always trying to stop you from doing something good and he'll play all of his cards! Later we had an appointment with our investigating family, Ana, Alfonso and their two kids. We prayed with them and waited for an answer if God wanted them to live the Gospel right now and for now on. They didn't receive an answer so they aren't ready, sadly we had to drop them for now. It's really sad cause we put so much prayer and fasting for this family to see it come like this. The family will be baptized it's just a matter of time! Later we had an exchange with some other elders. Elder Caccioppoli came with me to my area for the night and into Friday.

Friday it was raining all day! We went to service building houses and we were working with insulation and I got it all over my arms and they were super itchy😬. After that we went back home, got all the stuff off my arms and then we did some studies, went by some people and then exchanged back. Elder Brooks and I had a ward activity to go to with some members and investigators. It was really fun, really focused on just getting to know each other. It wasn't awkward or anything, the members got to know our investigators and the investigators got to know the members. 

Saturday (today) we had to get up at 4am because we had to drive to jersey city so Elder Brooks can go to the temple with one of his recent converts. The rule is that if you go to the temple with a recent convert then you have to be back in your area ready to proselyte by 11am otherwise it becomes your pday. So it's 11am currently and I'm in the jersey city apartment hanging out with Elder Janotti and doing studies and pday stuff. You guys won't hear from me on Monday but I'll be FaceTimeing you guys next Sunday! Woop woop! 🙌

Have an amazing week!

Elder Marz

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