Wednesday, August 23, 2017

EMAIL: Week 36 - Staying in Dover

WRITTEN : 4/3/17

Monday. About half the elders in the mission came to the Morristown chapel and we did a mini march madness with 10 teams of 5. It was super fun and my team ended up winning! I know right? What are the odds of that? Also I Got to hang out with my bestie (Elder Davis) all day haha, he's such a dork sometimes, but I love the guy. Hopefully we get to be companions soon. He tells me he can't wait to teach me how to fish (even though I think I'll be teaching him haha;). He couldn't believe it when I told him that I (being a real fisherman) went fishing and didn't catch any fish last Monday. Now he wants to teach me how to not go fishing but to go catching. Anyways my excuse was that I wasn't fly fishing haha.

Tuesday was kinda a regular day. We had to drive like a hour away to go to another dentist appointment with a different dentist to get that cavity taken care of. They had plans to put him out with laughing gas but when they did the X-rays it turned out that he didn't have a cavity! I have know Idea why that other dentist said that he had a cavity but it now we know that he doesn't haha. Later that night we had an appointment with our recent convert and he's like 15 so we went over the For strength of youth pamphlet. 

Wednesday was a bit different. The Morristown stake asked if the surrounding areas of missionaries could come and help do an annual deep clean of the Chapel. So we had to be at the Morristown chapel at 9am and then we stayed and cleaned until we had district meeting at 11:30. The senior couples went and bought all the missionaries Costco pizza and it was the bomb. We had to leave early cause we had to go meet a referral for the fist time and we had an appointment set. We got two more investigators from it! Awesome family! Taught them the restoration and commitment them to read the Book of Mormon so we'll see what happens!🤞

Thursday. Walking day, TAC (Deep cleaning or apartment right before transfers), and weekly planning. Long day! Had to walk like half an hour to an appointment in the morning just to get juked, so on our way back home we tried by some potentials but no luck. Later that night we had an appointment with our bishop to kinda set some goals for the ward and stuff like that.

Friday was kinda weird too. Got a call if the morning from our zone leaders saying that we needed to go pick up Elder Johnson (my last comp) at the mission home because the comp that he was with was in a training meeting and that elder Johnson needed a comp for the day. Sooo we were a trio for a while. We went to service at homes for humanity and helped build homes in the rain. After we got some lunch and dropped him off back at the mission home. Later we had another appointment with our recent convert and showed the Easter video #PrinceofPeace. Such a powerful video and message.

Saturday and Sunday we did our studies, got some snacks snacks and we basically hung out at the chapel all day watching conference. This years conference was really awesome. Watching conference is as a missionary is such a different experience and it means so much more to me. I look forward conference more now than ever! There were some really really awesome talks that really had an a profound effect on me.

My most favorite talk was elder Hollands talk. "Jesus, listening can sing the songs we can't see." Such an awesome talk. He speaks with power and I feel the spirit so strong when he speaks.
Lots and lots of talks about the lords work. So awesome!
Well we got transfer calls last night and it turns out I'm staying in Dover and Elder Griffith is going somewhere else. My new comp will be Elder Brooks. I don't know him but I've heard lots of awesome things about him. I'll meet him tomorrow.

Anyways I'm super excited for a new transfer and looking forward to going fishing some more! 🎣

Love you all!

Elder Marz

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